Sunday, 22 April 2012

Chp 15 Bhajan Pranali Hari Naam Chintamani

Courtesy of NB.NU Nitaai Bhakti Yoga and U

Bhajan Pranali Hari Naam

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

Sri Harinam Chintamani by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura.

Today we will start with the 15th chapter of Harinam Chintamani. The divine conversation between nama acharyas Haridas Thakur and the Supreme Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu in Siddha Bakul, about the Nama tattva. In the final chapter of this book, all the secrets of nama are revealed. The deepest secrets. Some people say that Haridas Thakur is not a rasika Vaishnava because he was only Nama Acharya, but if Haridas Thakur is not a Rasika Vaishnava, then he could not describe Bhajan Pranali. Everything was revealed by Haridas, up to how to achieve ones siddha deya by chanting the Nama. So we will start with some verses today.

The most fortunate soul in the whole creation, is one who gives up everything else and takes exclusive shelter of Harinama. He is the most fortunate soul. Haridas Thakur is starting the chapter by glorifying that devotee who has taken exclusive shelter of Harinam. He is known as Mahajana. Mahajana means great, advanced personality. A few chapters before, Haridas Thakur mentions that there are two kinds of sadhakas, one who takes exclusive shelter of Nama and some who do Deity worship in order to attain taste for the Nama. The ultimate goal of Deity worship is also Nama Bhajan. If deity worship is not giving us taste in Nama bhajana then we can not progress.

In a verse from the Puranas it is said that one who has done Deity worship with great attention for 100 lives, such a devotee can chant the name constantly. In this life he can chant the Name. Because in his previous life he has done all these austerities, sacrifices, taking bath in the Holy Places, learning the scriptures, vows of Brahmacharya. Only those persons who have performed all those austerities in their previous life can chant the Holy Name. Only those devotees can take exclusive shelter of the Name, qualification is required for that.

Radha Kund is the best place, as we continue in this chapter we will learn that Radha Kund is the best place to do Nama Bhajan, because the Lilas, in every other place we have to start from Nama Rupa, but in Radha Kund the Lilas get spontaneously manifested with the name. You can directly jump to the Lilas.

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